Embodied Imagination® 

for Psychedelic Preparation & Integration

In this presentation you will learn about and practice Embodied Imagination®, a dreamwork practice based on ancient healing practices, depth psychology and mimesis as it applies to preparing and integrating a psychedelic journey. We’ll open up the lines of communication with the collective unconscious and archetypes as guides and helpers.

Dr. Katherine Lawson

Dr. Katherine Lawson is an Integrative Mental Health Specialist, a certified Embodied Imagination® practitioner, consultant, psycho-spiritual counselor, and an international speaker. She has spent nearly two decades examining the intersections between healing, dreaming, mysticism, and psychedelics. As a BIPOC woman, cancer survivor, and the parent of a son who she nearly lost to addiction, she teaches and utilizes holistic therapies for PTSD and other types of unprocessed wounds, as well as sharing stories of healing. She is fascinated by the interactions between the brain, mind, body, and personality, as well as the powerful ways in which societal and spiritual factors affect health and happiness. She has recently published Dreamwork for Growth and Healing: A Guided Dream Journal.